Critical improvements have been undertaken at one of Brisbane’s worst crash hotspots, Boundary Road and Formation Street intersection in Wacol, with the support of the Federal Government through the Black Spot Program.
I want to thank the local community for their patience while these important upgrades were completed. I would like to acknowledge Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport, The Hon Scott Buchholz MP for committing funds to this important local project.
Between 2014 and 2021 there were 15 reported crashes at the Wacol intersections, with the majority occurring because motorists have failed to slow down and give way to traffic.
The project involved:
- widening the roundabout central island at Boundary Road and Formation Street
- constructing two-metre-wide median islands on all four approaches to the intersection
- upgrading lighting through the intersection
- new road resurfacing, signage and line marking.
The project has improved safety by widening the roundabout central island to increase the turning movement for vehicles entering the roundabout and slow vehicle speed through the intersection. Safety
and connectivity for people walking and riding has also been improved, with wider median islands on all four approaches.
Construction commenced in mid-November 2021 and works were successfully completed in April 2022. The project will now enter a defects period, in which Council will maintain and manage any defects and minor works such as landscaping as well as demobilising the site compound.
Road safety is one of my biggest priorities and I will continue to advocate for more upgrades to ensure locals get home sooner and safer.