LMCF Terms & Conditions

1. Events and activities

Please note that Councillor Hutton would be interested in receiving an invitation to any launches, activities or events that are related to your project. This can be done by contacting the Jamboree Ward Office.

2. Acquittal

Within 12 months of the date of the approval letter, you must provide a summary report to the Jamboree Ward Office. The report should provide (a) and (b):

a) Statement of expenditure for the project, except projects outlined in (c); and

b) Summary of the project including:

  • a copy of all receipts
  • what occurred during the project
  • who participated in the project
  • what was achieved
  • if an evaluation took place, a copy of the evaluation report of the project (you may want to include photographs or media reports)

c) For projects relating to purchasing equipment or installing equipment (or similar), the invoice for that piece of equipment is a sufficient record of expenditure and a report is not required.

3. Special condition – promoting your project

Projects or events supported wholly or partly by the Lord Mayor’s Community Fund must acknowledge the program with the words ‘Supported by the Lord Mayor’s Community Fund and Councillor Sarah Hutton’. This includes both digital and printed materials.

A copy of all advertising material containing the acknowledgment must be submitted to the Jamboree Ward Office for approval.

For events and activities, the following items can be borrowed from the Jamboree Ward Office. For my event, I would like to borrow:
MM slash DD slash YYYY