What can I do about speeding traffic in my street?

Enforcement of speed limits is the responsibility of the Queensland Police Service and any instances of speeding or other irresponsible and dangerous driver behaviour should be reported to the Police directly via Policelink for action.

Brisbane’s road network consists of more than 7000km of roads and speeding is a problem right across the city. Other than Police enforcement, there are no quick or easy solutions to the widespread problem of speeding in suburban streets.

Council receives almost one thousand requests for traffic calming each year and it is not possible or practical to implement every request. Only around 10 percent of the requests processed by Council Road Network Officers meet the criteria necessary for work to proceed. While traffic calming may be effective in some situations, there are also instances where it is inappropriate, such as when the road in question is expected to cater for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods through a District or Region.

Traffic calming is unlikely to prevent irresponsible or anti-social driving (commonly known as “hooning”). In some cases, traffic calming has been know to exacerbate these problems by providing “hoons” with the opportunity to test their high performance vehicles under more challenging road conditions.
Traffic calming works are generally planned and implemented on an area-wide basis, called a Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) project, to ensure that traffic problems in one street are not relocated to another nearby street.

In most cases, the aim of an LATM project is to discourage through traffic from using suburban streets (Local Access Roads) instead of major traffic routes.
Given this aim, LATM projects can also cause significant inconvenience to local residents, who have to negotiate the traffic calming on a daily basis. This is a drawback that needs to be weighe

d up against any potential benefits a traffic calming project may deliver. As a result, community consultation is an important part of an LATM project.
Although Council considers a wide range of criteria when assessing the need for traffic calming, successful projects generally involve the following factors:
1) The roads under consideration are Local Access Roads, which are primarily required to provide access to adjoining properties and do NOT have a significant function for carrying through traffic in the road network.

2) Demonstrated community support for traffic calming measures (i.e. a petition or numerous letters, emails or phone calls from local residents), representing at least two-thirds of the households in the affected area. A similar proportion of those households should also be prepared to have a traffic calming device (road hump, chicane or intersection modification) adjacent to their property.

3) Significant non-local traffic volumes on Local Access Roads in a particular area (i.e. Through traffic that is not generated by local residents or their visitors)
4) A significant proportion of vehicles exceeding the maximum lawful speed on Local Access Roads in an area
If these factors are proven to exist, Council officers will list an area as a candidate for an LATM project in the future. Funding is allocated to these projects in each financial year’s budget based on city-wide priorities.

Once funding is allocated, potential projects commence a two-stage process, which usually happens over the course of two or more financial years.

The first stage involves community consultation, consisting of a newsletter/questionnaire delivered to each household, outlining a conceptual scheme and inviting feedback to gauge the level of community support.

If a scheme is supported by at least 60% of respondents to the newsletter, all residents will be advised of the outcome and detailed design work will commence. This process includes further consultation with directly affected residents and property owners, whose properties are adjacent to proposed traffic calming measures.

Subject to satisfactory resolution of any issues arising in the detailed design process, such as property access, residential amenity or budgetary considerations, a submission for funding to construct the scheme is usually submitted for Council approval in the subsequent financial year’s budget.

This second stage of the project may be spread over more than one financial year, depending on the size of the area being treated and the amount of work involved in the scheme.

What are the benefits of installing a Rainwater tank at my property?

A rainwater tank gives you your own water supply. You’ll save on your water bills, as well as help to:
  • reduce demand on the city’s main water supplies and network infrastructure
  • defer the need for new dams
  • reduce the size of water distribution pipes and the energy needed to operate supply systems
  • reduce stormwater run-off that can cause local erosion and flooding
  • improve water quality in local waterways, the river and the bay

The Council recommends you use your tank water for:

  • toilet flushing
  • watering the garden
  • washing the car
  • cold water washing machine taps

Using a 3,000 litre tank for toilet flushing, washing machine and outdoor use will cut the average Brisbane household’s use of mains water by 11%. Your local plumber, builder or rainwater tank supplier can give you information about installing a rainwater tank at your home. Before installing your tank, you may need to obtain plumbing and/or building approvals to make sure it meets plumbing and building standards.

How can I deal with a barking dog?

Under the Council’s Animal Local Law 2003, if a dog barks in excess of the following limitations it is considered a nuisance:

  • 7am – 10pm

more than six minutes of animal noise in any hour

  • 10pm – 7am

more than three minutes of animal noise in any half hour

Animal noise is also considered a nuisance if a Council officer finds it to be:

  • unreasonably disrupting or inhibiting an activity ordinarily carried out on a residential premises, such as hanging the washing out or gardening

Making a complaint about a barking dog
If your neighbour’s dog is barking excessively, you can take the following steps:

  • approach the dog’s owner and state your case clearly and politely
  • if the dog’s owner is unapproachable or does not agree that a problem exists, you can contact the Dispute Resolution Centre on 1800 017 288 – this service provides free mediation that is impartial, confidential and available 24 hours a day

If these methods don’t work, you can phone the Council on 07 3403 8888 to report the problem.
How does the Council handle complaints about barking dogs?
The Council will take the following steps after receiving a complaint about a barking dog:

  • investigate the complaint to determine whether the dog is causing a noise nuisance
  • if the dog is found to be causing a noise nuisance, the Council will serve the owner with a notice to remedy the nuisance and will offer assistance to achieve this
  • if the nuisance continues, the Council may issue a $375 fine
  • if the dog continues to create a nuisance, the Council may issue a notice to remove the dog. If the owner doesn’t comply, the Council may seize and impound the dog

How can I control my barking dog?
If your dog is barking excessively, consult a vet to determine the cause of the barking.
If the vet is unable to resolve the issue, contact an animal behaviouralist or a dog training organisation.
Neighbours may be more patient with your dog’s barking if they are aware of the steps you are taking the fix the problem.

How do I deal with unwanted noise?

Noise can disrupt sleep and interfere with daily activities. If loud enough, it can also have a detrimental impact on people’s health.
Guide to decibel levels
Some noise regulations include a maximum loudness in decibels. Here are usual decibel levels for everyday situations:

  • quiet room in the house – 20 to 30 decibels
  • daytime in a quiet residential street – 35 to 45 decibels
  • large busy office – 50 to 60 decibels
  • lawn mower from 15 metres away – 70 decibels

Which noise complaints are not handled by Council?
The Council does not deal with these common complaints:

  • noise from music, parties, off-road vehicles and burglar alarms – contact the Queensland Police on 07 3364 6464
  • noise from premises with a liquor licence – contact the Department of Tourism and Racing’s Liquor Licensing Division on 07 3224 7196
  • other types of noise complaints may be dealt with by the Environmental Protection Agency – contact the agency on 07 3224 5520

How can I update my electoral details?

Our office carries AEC enrolment forms that you can complete and send into the AEC. Alternatively, you can update your electoral details by completing an enrolment form from the Australian Electoral Commission website and mailing it to: Australian Electoral Commission, Reply Paid 9867, Brisbane 4000.

Did you know that at our office you can:

  • Obtain house numbers
  • Collect brochures (see Catalogue of Brochures)
  • Obtain a voucher for 2 free native plants (please bring down your rates notice)
  • Obtain Council Green Waste and General Waste tip vouchers
  • Obtain a Pensioner Rate Remission Application Receipt
  • Pick up a free Graffiti removal kit
  • Obtain free notepads and calendars

What grants are available through Brisbane City Council?

Brisbane City Council offers a range of different grants and funding programs to local non-profit community groups to help develop and improve services and facilities across Brisbane.
Available grants and funding programs include:

  • Community Grants Program
  • Lord Mayor’s Helen Taylor award for history
  • Lord Mayor’s Sustainability Grant
  • Environmental Grants Program
  • Senior Citizens Grants Program
  • Community Support Funding Program
  • Creative Sparks Grants Program
  • Lord Mayor’s Suburban Initiative Fund
  • Lord Mayor’s Young and Emerging Artists Fellowship

Application forms and guidelines for each program, as well as information relating to opening and closing dates, is available from www.brisbane.qld.gov.au or by calling 3403 8888.


This program provides funding to local non-profit community groups to improve and develop services in Brisbane.

Brisbane City Council is looking to fund projects that achieve one or more of the following criteria:

  • develop and improve facilities for community use
  • encourage physical activity
  • respond to local and city wide community issues
  • foster an understanding of Brisbane’s history and cultural heritage
  • promote creativity, culture or the arts
  • develop the capacity of local community groups to deliver services

Two funding rounds are held each year and funding amounts range from:

  • $2,000 to $10,000
  • $10,001 to $50,000


The Lord Mayor’s Helen Taylor award for local history honours the work of the late historian, Helen Taylor.

One award of up to $10,000 is given annually to a history student or independent researcher whose work looks at Brisbane’s history, or a particular aspect of it.

Eligible projects include those that:

  • unearth less well known aspects of Brisbane’s history or heritage
  • make Brisbane’s history or heritage available to a wide audience
  • focus on local Indigenous history or heritage

Application forms and guidelines are also available from Council libraries and Ward Offices.


Brisbane City Council’s Environmental Grants Program aims to enhance the City of Brisbane’s sustainability and liveability by supporting non-profit community based groups and organisations to contribute towards addressing local or citywide environment issues on Council owned land.
The program aims to:

  • Assist Brisbane’s community groups to undertake environmental initiatives that address regional, significant, local or citywide environmental issues
  • Assist the day to day activities of local community groups
  • Develop partnerships and networks in the community
  • Encourage integration with other groups/grants to support environmental sustainable development initiatives, e.g. environmental, social outcomes, employment.

Two funding rounds are held each year. The majority of grants generally range between $600 and $6,000, however for sporting club rainwater harvesting applications there will be a maximum of $10,000 available per application.


The Senior Citizens Funding Program helps senior citizen groups to cover the cost of activities such as social outings and Christmas parties.

Funding is available to:

  • non-funded clubs and groups providing activities for people aged 50 years and over or
  • senior’s groups that are part of other organisations


The Community Support Funding Program provides financial assistance to:

  • community groups facing financial hardships who provide a community service, activity or facility that benefits Brisbane residents

Successful community groups and service providers are credited a certain percentage of their annual General Rates.


The Creative Sparks program is a joint initiative of Brisbane City Council and the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland. This program:

  • supports creative projects that enrich Brisbane’s communities
  • develops the professional practice of local artists and cultural workers

Applicants may apply for up to $20,000 per application and the program offers three categories of funding:

  • creative projects that enrich Brisbane’s communities
  • new projects promoting professional development
  • arts business partnerships

Workshops are also held throughout the application period as part of this program, and give applicants an opportunity to find out more about the Creative Sparks Program and the Lord Mayor’s Young and Emerging Artists Fellowships. Information about these workshops is available by calling 3403 8888.


The Lord Mayor’s Suburban Initiative Fund aims to meet local needs and build better local communities.
Funds are made available to all Councillors for:

  • supporting local projects, such as, community activities, minor building works
  • helping build stronger communities in Brisbane, such as, improving park facilities and community facilities

In order for projects to be eligible for funding, they must contribute to Council’s vision for the city’s future by creating safer and more inclusive, clean and green, active and healthy, and creative communities.
This funding is only available for incorporated, not-for-profit and taxable organisations. Projects should be located within the applicant’s Ward and should provide benefits to residents of that Ward.
In order for projects to be eligible for funding, they must contribute to at least one of the four themes listed below. In addition, projects that are eligible include those that support cultural activities, respond to special groups in the community and provide community activities such as sport and recreation.
Inclusive City- Supporting a sense of community by;

  • Revitalising places and communities
  • Supporting special communities
  • Creating safe and supportive communities

Active and Healthy City- Focuses not only on physical fitness, clean streets and safe food and water, but also on social well-being. Projects should promote;

  • An active and healthy place to live
  • Fit and healthy kids
  • Getting involved in new events

Creative City- Developing a city of excitement, where energy, life and vitality create a sense of cultural confidence. Funding will focus on;

  • Supporting creative industries
  • Expanding and promoting opportunities to be creative

Clean and Green City- Looking after and improving the natural environment, including;

  • Reducing the load being placed on the environment
  • Clean air
  • Reducing energy use
  • Waste managements
  • Pollution prevention
  • Preservation of our natural environment

Given that the demand for funding may exceed the available funds, not all eligible projects will be approved. As a guide, projects seeking between $100 and $5000 are likely to have the best chance of success.

*Please note that funding cannot be provided for projects that would normally be a State or Federal Government responsibility.

More information about this program is available by contacting Cr Schrinner’s Ward Office directly on 3407 1400.


A maximum grant of $20,000 is available to support young and emerging artists (between 17 and 30 years of age as of the closing date) to participate in national or international training and professional development programs that support their career development.

Applicants must be nominated by an individual or organisation from within the arts and cultural sector. The fellowship activity can include travel and study, secondment to an organisation, tuition, professional mentoring and instruction or a combination of these activities.

Owning a dog or cat in Brisbane:

For information on owning a dog or cat in Brisbane, please visit the Brisbane City Council Website. The website contains a wealth of information including registration and renewals, permits, barking dogs, dangerous dogs, breaches, fines, forms and much more.