More than a billion motorists have passed Council’s Speed Awareness Monitors in the last decade. Data shows the highly successful program has encouraged Brisbane drivers to reduce their speed by an average of 7.4 kilometres per hour after passing a SAM.
Currently we have 8 SAMs rotating across 37 locations, with a permanent sign located near Jindalee State School. This year, we will installing two additional permanent SAM’s on Yallambee Road Jindalee, northbound and southbound.
The SAM signage incorporates data collection capabilities that provide essential insight into driver behaviour, traffic patterns and speed compliance trends. This data-driven approach enables us to make targeted safety measures, identifying high-risk areas and optimising traffic flow.
Recent reports showed that on Burrendah Road, Jindalee, SAM prompted speeding motorists to reduce their speeds by up to 14km per hour on average. The program not only brings smiles to responsible drivers, but also contributes to building a safer and smarter road network for the entire community.
Is there a location that could benefit from a SAM? Please contact our office to suggest a location.